
Hummingbird in my yard

This hummingbird appeared at my feeder.  He has a little bug in his beak.  He stayed there for a long time and let me take pictures.  I was told that you couldn't capture the colors on his neck with out an external flash, but apparently you can.  :o)


Product Superior Jenn May 12, 2009 at 9:00 AM  

Awesome, Joni! How great to capture the hummingbird, and as an added bonus a little bug on his beak! What did you do instead to achieve getting the rich color? Another great feature of the photo is that teeny bit of light on his eye that's been caught—to me, it adds a very human element, suggesting a little bit of soul or something.

As a side note, I like how the neck feathers coordinate with the feeder edge.

MGKabel May 12, 2009 at 11:31 AM  

Very cool shot! I've only seen a humming bird in person twice in my life, and the little guys don't seem to hang around long. This guy must have known he was having picture taken!

Joni May 12, 2009 at 5:48 PM  

Jen, when you do pictures of wildlife you always try to focus on the eyes. Since the eye is the most important part of the animal it MUST be in focus. The light in his eye is called a catchlight and it is great if you can get it...it tells you he is alive!

Moo! May 12, 2009 at 9:46 PM  

I absolutely love this shot! At first glance I thought the white spot on his face was part of his eye or something. The combo of seeing that mistaken eye and the slightttt curved up part of his beak looks like he's smiling mischievously. it's great, he looks like a little rascal! and the highlights on his red feathers are beautiful too. This almost looks like a painting in a way, because its sort of soft looking so his wings and feathers look like little brush strokes.

Mhudson May 13, 2009 at 7:10 PM  

what a great shot!
Its almost like he's posing.
I love the motion blur in the wings, sweet!

Product Superior John May 13, 2009 at 11:23 PM  

Great photo Joni! You shot this with the telephoto? How long did you have to wait for him to show up? This photo has a very pleasing overall color pallete as well. How lucky to have the background reduce to the perfect creamy mint green to complement the hummingbird and red feeder!

Oh- and welcome to the blog Mhudson/Taskrok! We're all excited to have you join us.

Cara May 23, 2009 at 1:01 AM  

Yes, the catch light is life. Very true. This is amazing.

jenny May 30, 2009 at 2:31 PM  

Love the red on his neck. They look like sequins.