
Summer Fest

Despite the crap weather (really hot and pretty rainy), I went down to the Houston Free Press first annual Summer Fest to hear some good music.


Product Superior John August 19, 2009 at 12:13 PM  

Great photos. The first is my favorite. I especially like the small sprigs of what appears to be cat hair on his shirt. It gives you a glimpse of his private life in public.

I will also mention that I'm proud to see the gentleman in the last photo with a decent patch of back hair in full view. We're here, we're hairy, and we're not ashamed. Rock on my brother, you've earned it!

Moo! August 19, 2009 at 11:04 PM  

I could see a series inspired by the 1st and last photos. "Secrets revealed....from behind" hehe.

Seriously though, I do notice a lot of people (including myself) leave the house having only checked the front –we often forget that we are viewed and judged from the back too.

Cat hair, wedgies, panty lines, boxers, briefs, so many stories to see!

jenny August 22, 2009 at 1:18 PM  

I like that Moo, makes me seem like not the huge wuss I am. One day I will start taking photos of people's faces.

John, it was some good people watching there. Lots of people who shouldn't have been showing as much skin as they were...

Product Superior Jenn September 4, 2009 at 11:36 AM  

Isn't that always how it is?

I agree with John, with the first image—the flecks of animal hair and I really like the odd cropping of the image. It gives you just enough info to have an idea what's going on.