Abstract Boats
I'm going to take a break from Alaska and put up a few photos from our trip to the Thousand Islands NY which occurred just days before we hopped the plane to Anchorage. Both places revolve around boating: Alaska- fishing, Thousand Islands- the pleasure variety.
These photos were taken in the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY. It is easily as cool as it sounds.
John, these are fantastic! apart from the fact that there's some really nice color going on with these. I love how you've totally shown a completely different way of looking at the boats.
I think I was getting overwhelmed with all the awesomeness at that museum! I could barely handle all the great typography of the emblems,seals, and boat names they had -let alone focus on really seeing the craftsmanship like you've done here. thumbs up matey.
These are really lovely images! Along with great cropping, what's really nice is that each one has a very flat graphic section in contrast with a dimensional portion. They're like mini photographic abstract paintings.
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