
Along with her purchase of a new dSLR camera, Jenny decided to make good on the little hand-drawn IOU she gave me for my birthday back in March. It's been a long time coming, but I am now the proud owner of a Lensbaby. These are all shot at f/4. Anything wider and I doubt I would have found focus.


MGKabel August 3, 2009 at 10:29 PM  

Oh neat! I've known about these cool little things but I've never actually seen what they can do. I love the effect, reminds me of something like a "toy camera". A great addition to the gear bag. Enjoy!

Moo! August 3, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

My feeling exactly. It makes everything look like it's a snippet of an old memory hidden away in your memory rolodex! I like the pipes photo and the last "We Deliver" one seems extra special to me. Also my props to the artist who made that coupon! I love that little card.

Product Superior Jenn August 5, 2009 at 10:07 PM  

I love the one of the coupon (for obvious reasons) and how the pipes play on scale. Also, I enjoy the lighting of the last few—what did you do to create that effect?

Product Superior John August 6, 2009 at 3:34 AM  

Very cool. I'm a big fan of anything that distorts our normal way of seeing. These also have the added quality of a well loved polaroid.