Sunset & Silhouette 2
This is a sibling to Matt's post below. I took this pic this past weekend at Matt's sister's wedding. The colors and the atmosphere of the pic are not nearly as intense and inspiring as Matt's post. But I still like this, it was a beautiful wedding and we lucked out with a beautiful day that closed with this view (before the party real started that is!). Not a drop of rain at all despite forecasts saying it would be a dreary day. It was absolutely beautiful.
What camera did you take this photo with? I love seeing various perspectives of similar content back to back here. While Matt's suggest depth through the reflection, yours suggests the depth at the center where you see the teeny silhouetted buildings. I'm also digging the sharp black contrast of the vertical stripes on the right side against the silky sky. Can't wait to see more!
This one was with my 'biggie'. The canon digital SLR. I took a bunch of this shot in order to capture the colors. I've discovered that the (one of anyway) key to taking a good sunset/sunrise shot is the exact few seconds its right above the horizon. I've noticed that's when it works exactly, I couldn't duplicate this shot I got it!
Okay, on a super geeky note, I do recall reading in Scott Kelby's "The Digital Photography Book" a so-called "Golden Rule of Landscape Photography." It is roughly as follows...
You can only shoot 2 times of day: Dawn and Dusk. For dusk specifically, he says "you can shoot from 15 to 30 min before sunset, and up to 30 min afterward. Why these two times?...These are the only times of day when you get the soft, warm light and soft shadows that give professional quality lighting for landscapes."
Supposedly the pros won't look at anything unless it's done in those times. Snooty right? Haha, anyway, I found it interesting and these posts on sunsets and capturing good color reminded me of it. Good book all in all.
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