
Marlboro Corpses

5 years ago, in my way to work, in front of a small bar in Moss, Norway. Probably it was one of few mornings that I could take my hands out of the jacket... most of the time it was super cold.


Product Superior Jenn May 27, 2009 at 1:04 PM  

Ah, I like this a lot. Were these just being dumped out here or was it from people standing in the same spot smoking? If it was on your way to work, did you start mentally documenting how much the pile grew, stood still, or shrank?

Chinitas Yon May 27, 2009 at 3:57 PM  

I think it was morning cleaning... Norway is a really clean country... It doesn't have the NYC beauty trash all around... so probably it was the pile from the day before.

Product Superior John May 31, 2009 at 11:32 AM  

Cool! This and Moo's photo above really drive in globalization. Both photos have trash in them but if you looked just at the refuse you wouldn't be able to tell they were taken in Norway or Thailand. They could have easily been in Nebraska judging from the brands like DQ, Juicy Fruit, Marlboro, and Pepsi.

Really great photo. I love when ordinary things like dirty dishes or cigarette butts transcend their simplicity and become art.

Chinitas also gets the gold star for the first black and white photo posted up.

Chinitas Yon June 1, 2009 at 10:20 AM  

Thanks John I accepted with honor... \)

I agree with you... I love when people get to see small things as big things... it is just another point of view for what we think is normal... it is like the Academia post of J.Blanco... is it trash or is it art? In my personal opinion everything depends of the point of view...