

Cara May 22, 2009 at 1:45 AM  

Oops. I suck at resizing today.

Product Superior Jenn May 22, 2009 at 9:01 PM  

Whoa! How on earth do you achieve the rich, solid black while also having the light source on the figure? Very interesting, since the light source is like up above/behind. There's a lot of nice tonality happening like on the leg at left and I like that teeeeny touch of light behind the head, with contrast to bright white shoulder. Would this be called a self portrait?

Cara May 23, 2009 at 12:27 AM  

I'm just playing with light here. But I think it's a self portrait since it illustrates so perfectly how much I don't like how I look in photos.

I'm sitting on black paper (see other photo with masking tape) with a single light to my left.