
Bakery Pigeons

Though not exotic unicorn pigeons, I must be on the same wavelength as Blanco. Yesterday I passed this bakery who had just dumped some old bread bits outside and the pigeons were coming to feast.


Product Superior John May 31, 2009 at 11:13 AM  

Don't let Productsuperiorjenn fool you- she is a fair weather pigeon friend. Just last week she wad shooing some pigeons off our air conditioner because they were too noisy. She sees some fancy pigeons and now she declares her love for pigeons on the internet.

I on the other hand love the normal "working class" pigeons as much as the fancy bougouise birds. Therefore I love this photo. I can almost hear the cooing and sense the stubborn refusal to move as I open the door. I enjoy the shift of scale between the pigeon sized world below and the human sized world above. The fact that it's a bakery is even better.

On a side note that bakery is straight eastern block fascist looking. You would like some cupcakes eh, comrade?

Product Superior Jenn May 31, 2009 at 12:53 PM  

Those pigeons are pooping all over the ac!

It's like the social afternoon on the lawn, but with pigeons on concrete!

I really enjoy seeing everyone's photos and how they contain a bit of the person's personality. This photo is very Conte to me. Plus, as John observed, you can tell who is a designer a lot with how all your photos seem to have some sort of text. Maybe there's some truth there?

Now don't start changing because of the awareness!

jenny June 1, 2009 at 12:42 PM  

I don't think they do cupcakes there. Just that Russian Black Bread. And you have to know the special knock to get in.

Yes on the text! All photos should have some sort of type in them.