
Victim of Hurricane Ike

Victim of Hurricane Ike at Bolivar Peninsular, High Island Texas about 100 feet from  the water.  Picture taken April 19, 2009.  The hurricane was in September 2008.


Product Superior Jenn May 5, 2009 at 6:00 PM  

I wonder how much longer this will sit there. Might be neat to wait another year to see if it is there, and take another photo!

Product Superior John May 7, 2009 at 11:25 PM  

Wow. Looks like Nee-c could have been the previous owner of that truck. Ha ha.

Our third year in Brooklyn we woke up one summer night and the room was filled with smoke. We thought the apartment was on fire but it ended up that someone set fire to the Honda Accord outside and smoke poured in through the open window. Reminds me of that night.

I wonder if the truck was parked in someone's driveway, washed away by the surge, and deposited in its present locale.It would be great if appeared both in its original location and current location on google earth!

Product Superior Jenn May 8, 2009 at 9:53 AM  

Oh man! What a curious thought: that you might find it in two locations—one in good order and one in it's wrecked state—all at once on Google maps. It makes me want to try and find it, though there's no way I could. I wonder how many other cars disappeared like that and popped up wrecked god knows where...