AMBIENT FRIGHT : ghosts....of christmas past?
Here's my first submission! Quite simply, this was taken at our office holiday dinner* a couple of years ago. Technically its a differnt holiday but I think it can pass for both creepy and festive, yes?

*This was a fight to the death between my friend The Vegan vs. myself The Raw Steak Carnivore –coincidentally I thought it was interesting that her battle technique was to apparently try to bite my face off....or something.*
that's great! looks like a still from a horror movie.
That person on the left is freaky to me! It's almost like some sort of dwarfish creature.
I forgot that I should probably have actually explained something about HOW the photo was taken! Nothing was retouched (except maybe slight curve adjusts, but thats all), this was just me holding my point & shoot up with my arm and taking the shot with no flash against this entire lit up wall (not sure how to explain. but its an entire wall made of light panels).
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