
Alaska trip- all mapped out so far

*Edit: I guess I didn't mention it but the enclosed google map on the post is fully functional. You can click, zoom etc. Each of the flags corresponds to where a photo was taken and will pull up the photo if clicked. You can also get to the full frame map by clicking the highlighted "nifty Alaska Google map" text.

One of the cooler things that ProductsuperiorJenn and I have and regularly use are GPS taggers for our cameras. Sure we've received a few snickers and heard the snide under the breath comments of "Geeks!" and "Neeerds.." from some of our LeCliquer pals (and you know who you are...) but we don't care. Every one of our photos is stamped in the metadata with the exact spot we were standing when we took it. That means when we go on a trip to I don't know- let's say Alaska- and cruise around a bunch of tangled Fjords for nine hours in a boat when we get home we can figure out exactly where we were and what we saw there. We can also assemble all of it into a nifty Alaska google map.

I've gone through and added the locations of all the Alaska shots I've posted so far. I'll be updating the map with Jenn's photos and the locations of any of our future Alaska posts so you can check back.

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